This mindset shift changed everything for me
I remember when I felt stuck in a career that wasn’t fulfilling me.
I would constantly compare myself to others when it came to work and wonder: Why do they care so much? How can they be so passionate about work? Why don’t I have that?
I vividly recall watching my friends who were human-rights lawyers working most weekends because they truly cared about their work.
And my best friend, a musician, would speak with such passion about the music she was creating. She would light up when performing on stage, fully alive and living her dream.
I couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy—and a yearning. I knew there had to be more out there for me. But I didn’t know what it was or if it was in reach.
What I didn’t realise at the time was this: We set our own standards. We decide what’s “good enough” for us.
By settling for a job that didn’t set my soul on fire, I was unconsciously deciding that mediocrity was good enough for me.
Whereas when we back ourselves, and know wholeheartedly we’re enough, we are empowered to do anything we set our mind to.
Commitment + passion + time = success
I came to learn there’s a fine line between feeling bored-out and burned-out.
The longer I stayed in a role that didn’t fulfill me, challenge my strengths, or energise me, the closer I came to crossing that line.
I stopped sleeping well. Nights were filled with stress over small things. Weekends weren’t enjoyable either because I was always thinking about work. The energy and enthusiasm I once had for my job became a distant memory.
Something had to change.
The funny thing is, the answer is often right under our noses.
As soon as I decided that the status quo wasn’t enough and started to follow my interests, things started to shift.
I quit my job, paired back my life, and started to tune into my intuition, my gut - something I’d never done before.
I discovered a consciousness coaching program that aligned with me perfectly and excited me.
I revisited positive psychology, which I had studied years earlier and had always wanted to work in.
I reached out to my network—and landed my first coaching clients.
I enrolled in a business coaching course and built my first program: the 90-Day Career Accelerator.
For the first time ever, I started to feel fully aligned. I was lit up by my work, and everything flowed.
I'm not saying it was easy. The execution? That part was doable. The inner work? Far more challenging.
I had to peel back layers of self-doubt and limiting beliefs to make this vision a reality. On good days, I’d think, “I’ve got this—it all makes sense.” On bad days, the inner critic would roar: “Who do you think you are? You can’t run your own business!”
But I learned that this mental chatter was just my ego, trying to keep me “safe" and protect me from danger. I learnt that we evolved to have this evolutionary response, but it's no longer needed.
I had a roof over my head and some savings in the bank. I was safe. I had to think long-term. Sure, I'd use my safety-net, but if I fully believed it be a success, then why wouldn't I?
Through practices like meditation, breathwork, and conscious movement, I learned how to quiet the negative voice in my head.
I began to fully trust my intuition—that deeper, inner knowing that I was on the right path.
I realised that taking care of my mindset was just as important—if not more important—than the external actions I took. The more I took care of my inner world, the more things started to build for me on the outside.
In my first year of business, I coached the employees of several well-known tech companies in the Netherlands, sold out two 1-1 coaching programmes with clients all over the world, and was fully living my purpose.
It wasn’t just about newsletters, sales or social media; it was about honouring my energy, treating my body like a temple, and staying grounded in my purpose.
Making a change isn’t easy, but it boils down to two key elements:
Your belief systems
The actions you take
I worked relentlessly on both.
And that’s exactly what we do in SHE Thrives, my 100-day 1:1 coaching program for women ready to change, transition, or up-level in their careers.
We work together across four modules via weekly coaching sessions, purposeful practices and tools to aid self-discovery & growth:
Module 1: Self-Awareness is Power
Module 2: You Without Limits
Module 3: Conscious Action
Module 4: Embodying your Potential
This program is for women who’ve decided enough is enough.
Enough playing small. Enough settling for mediocre. It’s for women ready to create careers that make them spring out of bed in the morning and truly make themselves proud.
Now is the time to decide you DESERVE IT.
Because that’s what it comes down to—deciding you deserve more.
So don’t delay—book a no-stress discovery call today to learn more about how you can THRIVE in your career and your life 💫👇