Trusting Your Inner Voice in Your Career

Today, I had an eye-opening conversation with a client that perfectly illustrates the internal battle many of us face when trying to make sense of our careers.

It's a tug-of-war between the "shoulds" imposed by society and the quiet yet persistent voice within that’s often harder to hear but impossible to ignore.

When I asked her how her week was, she admitted she was plagued by nagging thoughts about her career choices. She said something that struck me:

“Maybe I’m expecting too much from a career.”

Her words were laced with doubt, even though, on paper, things were going well. She had just received a pay rise and logically, she felt like she should be happy.

But then she added,

“Whatever path I end up choosing, there will still be difficult days and things I won’t like doing. How would that be different from my current situation? Maybe I just need to accept that no career is perfect and keep going.”

The crux of her struggle was summed up by another telling statement:

“It doesn’t help that almost everyone I know seems to settle. They accept that work is just work – you don’t have to love it. You just do it.”

Her perspective captures a common dilemma.

We live in a world that often tells us what we should feel.

We should be grateful for stability.

We should accept that no job is perfect.

And we should stop expecting our careers to bring us anything more than financial security.

But here’s the key: when that inner voice—the one that’s yours and yours alone—whispers that something isn’t right, it’s there for a reason.

My client’s true feelings were shining through, even as she tried to rationalize them away.

Beneath all the "shoulds," her inner voice was saying something different:

"No, I don’t want to keep doing this."

And that’s the point.

It’s not about rejecting what society, friends, or coworkers say.

There’s nothing wrong with choosing a stable job and accepting that it might not light you up inside. Many people find peace and fulfillment in other areas of their lives.

But if you’re wrestling with these thoughts, it’s likely because your inner voice is trying to tell you something—something important.

This client wasn’t truly content, despite what she felt she should be experiencing. And that’s what matters.

There is no universal "should."

There is only what is for you.

Yes, the internal struggle is real, but it’s also the gateway to something greater.

Once you move past that conflict, doors you never knew existed begin to open.

The universe has a funny way of rewarding those who dare to trust themselves.

When you listen to your inner voice and take that leap, there are almost always gifts waiting on the other side—gifts in the form of opportunities, growth, and a deeper sense of fulfillment that no "should" can ever provide.


Don’t be your own prisoner


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