January 2023 theme: Resistance

What are you currently avoiding doing that you know you should do? This is exactly what you should do next.

This month in my newsletter I spoke about the importance of resistance. Resistance isn’t something I thought a great deal about until recently, likely because I wasn’t experiencing it enough. For many years, I spent far too much time in what is known as the “comfort zone” and for so long this deprived me of the life fuel I needed to realise my potential & feel fully myself. Yes, it’s that extreme!

I would said things like “It’s out of my control” or “I can’t do that” and made excuses (some valid) about why I couldn’t change jobs or why I couldn’t do something. Excuses that were designed to keep me safe in the warm womb-like pouch that is my comfort zone.

The truth is, if we observe life as it is today - we can see it is all about evolution, change & transformation. If a species does not evolve, it becomes extinct. Likewise, if a business can’t keep up with the times - it loses customers, & eventually closes down. If humans do not grow - they suffer. They replay old patterns that do not serve them. They don’t move forward - but seem to be moving back.

Common indicators of being in the comfort zone include:

  • Lack of motivation

  • Lack of creativity & inspiration

  • Feeling of autopilot, boredom, depression

  • Anxiety

  • Degradation of the mind (think early onset Alzheimer’s)

  • Lower immune system & a tendency to be sick more often

What I have learnt is, healthy resistance is actually our best friend. Often, that which feels the scariest, is exactly what we need most for the natural evolution of our being on this earth. Where there is resistance, there is growth. Where there is growth, there is satisfaction, increased confidence, vitality, inspiration (the list goes on).

Coming into the New Year, I challenge you to ask yourself the question:

What am I resisting the most?

Then move towards it.

Want to dig deeper? Get in touch to request my free comfort zone exercise.


Limited Beliefs & Infinite Possibilities, with Georgia Cécile


Taking the plunge