Make 2024 your best year yet
Want to make 2024 your best year yet?
Here's my take on how:
It all starts with getting crystal clear with what it is you want to create, achieve, become, manifest into your world. It's about being intentional about what you want. Intentionality breeds action, which creates results. When you are clear on what it is you want, every action you becomes a micro-step towards your goal.
Clarity can be easier said than done however, when you have a million thoughts in your head, a busy schedule and no time to even think. If you are struggling with lack of clarity in your goals, I'd recommend a daily free-flow journalling practice. If you struggle with free-flow journalling and need some prompts, get in touch to request my free journal prompts booklet.
If you are more a visual person, try visualising the person you want to be. How does he/ she show up in the world? How do they spend their time? How do they feel? What do they look like? Get crystal clear on who this person is and keep sprinkling this vision with water until it starts to blossom in reality.
Know your Blockers/ Saboteurs
Understanding what is coming between you and your goals is some of the most important work you can do.
What outdated beliefs do you hold that are holding you back?
What patterns and self-sabotaging behaviours have you formed that are inhibiting your potential?
How is your inner critic stopping you from taking action on what you really want?
I had an example of this with a client recently. She tried starting a health food business with her ex boyfriend and it didn't work (for many reasons). This negative experience caused her to form the belief that if she tries starting a business, it will fail. This prohibited her from going after what she really wanted, today.
A friend of mine is a musician. For years she was held back from following her dreams because she had the belief that it was impossible to make money as a musician. It was only when she started to pick apart this outdated belief, that she began to carve out a path for herself in music. I had a similar limiting belief about coaching.
Our beliefs about ourselves and the world are the single biggest indictor of our actions. Our actions are the biggest indicator of our results. Want better results in your life? Start examining your beliefs and questioning their validity. Remember, our beliefs are largely a product of our environment.
This is deep work I do with my clients through coaching, re-programming, hypnosis, integration and repetition.
Clearing Space
In order to make time for what is most important to us, we must let go of what is no longer serving us. This can be the hardest thing to do, but the most rewarding!
What are you willing to let go of, in order to make space for your dreams?
In order to be the person you want to be in 5/10 years, you must become them today. What changes do you need to make in order to become who you want to be?
Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of the page. Label one side “energy givers” and one side “energy drainers”. Make a list of all the things in your life that give you energy, versus drains it - could be material possessions, emotions, people, activities - every single element in your life:
Material possessions (books, clothes, music, furniture, photographs, ‘stuff’’)
Professional possessions (bank accounts, companies, files, contacts, networks)
Living possessions (plants, pets, friends, people)
Emotional possessions (hurts, wounds, feelings, ‘highs’, guilt, grudges )
Mental possessions (over thinking, self critique etc)
Habits (alcohol, smoking, food intake, exercise, OCD behaviour)
Once you have formed the two lists, you have to go through each and decide whether you want to keep it or let go of it. In case of the latter you can either sell the object, give it away or throw it away. If it's an emotional or mental possession or a habit, it take a bit more work to “let go” of it or change it - but with consistent inner work and self-discipline, it's achievable. If it's a person or habit, then either new boundaries must be set, or you have to confront the situation head on.
Self-belief & Resilience
There is no bigger indicator of success than self-belief. Self-belief is what carries you through in the hard times. Self-belief keeps you going, despite rejection. Self-belief pushes you forward, even when the odds are against you.
Self-belief leads to resilience, which is what is required to get to your goals.
Your luck, your success, your actions - they're all down to you. All you have to do is back yourself.
When you begin to realise that you create your own destiny; you become the orchestrator of your own life.
And that my friend, is an exciting place to be!